[ 摘要 ]
本研究利用honeynet的特性,提供使用者可以快速的偵測與確認malicious source,但由於honeynety在部署與實作上本身就存在諸多的困難度,所以本研究提出一個新的自動化系統,讓管理者可以藉此將系統快速的部署在學術網路上加以運用。
[ 英文摘要 ]
Because the popularization of the Internet is increasingly high, and the prevalence of social networking , which have allowed Internet security has become an important issue. Campus Network has become the target of attacks by the majority of offenders, to adopt a more lenient approach to the management of network and computer. After the successful invasion of the computer, the offender spreads a lot of malicious software tools to engage in illegal activities, such as Trojans, spam, distributed denial of service attacks, phishing sites, and other threats. The Honeynet belong to a dummy network infrastructure, to attract a lot of network services through the provision of the criminal invasion and can be deployed in many areas as a defense strategy。
In this thesis we can quickly detect and confirm the malicious source through characteristic of honeypot. Users would be a lot difficulty to deploy and implement the honeynet. In this thesis we present the new automatic system that allows managers to rapid deployment of the virtual honeynet system in the Campus Network.