

[ 摘要 ]
社交網路服務(Social Networking Service,SNS)目前成已為網路上最受歡迎的活動,舉凡聊天、寄信、影音、分享檔案等,讓相同興趣的人建立線上的社群,透過網際網路提供使用者各種聯繫與交流的功能來鞏固的彼此的關係。隨著社交網路服務被廣泛的使用,駭客利用惡意連結、社交工程、網路釣魚等攻擊的方式,使社交網路成為散佈惡意程式的跳板工具。

[ 英文摘要 ]
Social networking service (Social Networking Service, SNS), as currently the most popular activities on the network covered the chat, e-mail, video, file sharing, etc., so that the same people interested in the establishment of online community through the Internet provide users with a variety of contacts and exchanges to consolidate the mutual relationship. The malicious link with the social networking service is widely used, hackers, social engineering, phishing and other mode of attack, so that the social network to become a springboard for spreading malware tools.
In this study, the malware koobface social networking sites as the theme, to discuss its spread infection, the behavior of the external network, the results eventually confirmed to have a malicious nature, explore the reason hackers use social networks in the human the trust or the curious psychology, by this incentive, means, in order to achieve the desired purpose in advance.