[ 摘要 ]
P2P 傳輸技術目前相當熱門,因為它能同時讓兩個使用者直接分享彼此的檔案,而不用透過第三方(伺服器);對使用者而言,意謂可以透過網際網路直接由檔案擁有者手中得到最新的資訊,而不用再等待數位內容上傳至伺服器;對網路提供者而言,則意謂不用再浪費多餘的時間成本管理或操作伺服器。除此之外,還有許多因素加速P2P 網路之實用性,這些因素包括可用的頻寬上升、運算能力提高、儲存容量加大及網路資訊激增等。但是,P2P 傳輸技術同時也是惡名昭彰的非法活動溫床,它使得盜版和非法使用變得容易,因此許多使用者利用它來從事違反著作權法的資料交換。
為解決P2P 傳輸架構帶給大眾的不好印象,導入適合P2P 網路之數位權利管理機制(Digital Rights Management, DRM)是可行的,本研究於現有P2P 即時串流傳輸架構上,改良分散式DRM 機制,並導入新型金鑰管理系統。即時串流傳輸架構具有即載即看即丟的特性,能預防數位內容被重複利用,對於本研究所改良之DRM機制具有加強效果;而導入新型金鑰管理系統,使得DRM 機制運作時,惟有使用者缺乏合法解密金鑰時,才會出現警告,其餘時候使用者並不會感受到DRM 機制之控管,因此能提升使用者對於DRM 機制的接受度。
[ 英文摘要 ]
P2P transmission technology is very popular at present, because it can allow two users to share files directly rather than through a third party. For the users, means users can receive the latest information from the owners, and don''t have to wait for digital content uploaded to the server. For the providers, means providers don''t have to waste the extra time and cost to manage the servers. In addition, a lot of factors accelerate the practicability of P2P network, include the increased availability of bandwidth, computing capacity raise, storage capacity expansion and network information is increased. However, P2P transmission technology is also a notorious breeding ground for illegal activities, it makes piracy and illegal use easier, and many users use it in violation of copyright law to engage in the exchange of information.
In order to solve the bad impression of the P2P transmission structure, implement Digital Rights Management (DRM) for P2P network is feasible. This study improved distributed DRM architecture, and implement the novel key management scheme, in the existing P2P live streaming. Live streaming have the characteristic that is downloaded immediately, watched immediately and deleted immediately, to prevent digital content to be reused. Implement the novel key management scheme, makes a warning only when the user there is no decryption key, and the rest of the time, users will not feel the DRM mechanisms of control, so users can upgrade the mechanism for the acceptance.