95級碩士論文-基於P2P SIP環境下之網路語音廣告防堵系統

黃世穎 基於P2P SIP環境下之網路語音廣告防堵系統

[ 摘要 ]
隨著Internet的發展,愈來愈多的人相信,未來的電信網路將是基於IP技術的網路,而SIP是新世代網路標準組織所建議語音、視訊多媒體控制協定的首選。不過近年來所發生的SIP攻擊事件,使得SIP安全性議題也漸漸浮上檯面。P2P技術的最大優勢在於系統的強韌度(Robustness),因此開始有組織將P2P的觀念套用到傳統的SIP架構上,以期能減少傳統的SIP架構被攻擊之風險。雖然轉換了設計環境,但網路電話的弱點還是會出現新一代的P2P SIP架構,例如,語音廣告或垃圾語音(Spam internet telephony, SPIT)則是在推廣網路電話的同時一個值得重視的隱憂,並且SPIT問題與通訊架構並無關係,如不能發展出妥善的防治之道,雖說P2P架構可以提高SIP系統抵禦惡意攻擊的強韌度,但仍可能會形成和目前電子郵件一樣垃圾信件氾濫的情況。因此本研究透過P2P SIP架構建置適合此模式下之網路語音廣告防堵系統,此系統可在P2P動態環境下,進行黑白名單同步更新與維護管理。
[ 英文摘要 ]
With the development of Internet, more and more persons believe that the future telecommunication network will be based on IP technology. SIP is first-selected multimedia control protocol which IETF proposes, but SIP attack event make SIP security topic appears on the table in recent years. For this reason, some organization begins to apply the concept of P2P on traditional SIP structure, and expect to reduce the risk that traditional SIP structure will be attacked. But the convenience of VoIP confuses people indirectly, for instance, SPIT (Spam internet telephony) is the issue to play a decisive role when developing VoIP. If can''t develop an appropriate prevention mechanism, SPIT will go on the present situation that the rubbish mail overflows as E-mail at present. Therefore, research is expected to look for a suitable P2P SIP structure to construction a appropriate mechanism which can defending SPIT effectively. Research will focus on how to make user and list synchronization and collect.